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In 2021, Pope Francis instituted the World Day for Grandparents and Elderly, celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. This year, it fell on July 28, 2024. The theme for the celebration this year was, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Psalm 71:9). In union with the universal Church, the Province celebrated our elderly confreres and grandparents on Sunday, July 28, 2024. This celebration took place at the Holy Ghost Haven in Mgbidi, the retirement home of the Province.

2024 World Day of the Elderly 2024 World Day of the Elderly

The celebration began with a Holy Mass by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Austin Nwosu, C.S.Sp. He was assisted by the community superior of the Holy Ghost Haven, Fr. Desmond Agbaka, C.S.Sp., and the Second Assistant to the Provincial, Fr. Valentine Ezeh, C.S.Sp. Many confreres from various communities and apostolates were also present at the Mass. In his homily, which drew upon the lessons from the readings, the Provincial encouraged everyone present to reject negative mentalities such as selfishness and greed and, instead, let everyone embrace the Christian virtues of compassion, gratitude, prayer, and generosity, as exemplified by Jesus in the Gospel. He reminded everyone that the call to apostolic life is universal – both old and young are called to it. Thus, we all, irrespective of our state or age, are to remain faithful disciples of Christ.

2024 World Day of the Elderly

Before the end of the Mass, the elderly confreres, other elders, and grandparents present at the Mass were called to the altar for prayers. A remark of appreciation by the Provincial followed this. He described the elderly Confreres as extraordinary missionaries who have distinguished themselves with outstanding exploits in their respective missions during their hay days. He extolled their spirit of self-donation, availability, and readiness to take up the mission of the Congregation, even in the face of difficulties and risks. This eager disposition to the mission remains their legacy to the younger Spiritans. In response, one of the elderly confreres, Fr Francis Okonkwo, C.S.Sp., thanked the Provincial for his consistent compassion and solidarity. He appreciated all present and described the visit and the celebration as consoling and encouraging. Cash donations were made, and food items were presented by the Spiritan Health Care Apostolate (HECAP) and the Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) representatives, respectively. The community superior thanked all who, in various capacities, donated cash and materials to the elderly and retired Priests and brothers. The Mass ended at 11:15 a.m., followed by a group photograph. The community also served refreshments after the Mass.

2024 World Day of the Elderly    

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